We picked up our first 2 nukes of bees on Friday – loaded them in the back of the truck and drove to 2 hours to get them to their new home.
Before we picked up our new babies, we prepped the nursery by filling up the pond & tossing in some corks so the bees would have a landing pad.
Next it was time to get our bees out of their traveling nukes & into their new home. We opened the nukes & carefully pulled out each frame & then inserted it into the new nuke.
Next it was time to get our bees out of their traveling nukes & into their new home. We opened the nukes & carefully pulled out each frame & then inserted it into the new nuke.
You can see the white queen cage – she’s in there. Gotta go back next week and make sure she’s out & laying baby bee eggs. They should have plenty of food and water to last them the week until we can get back out there.